Jan 15, 2008

Who Does Reese Look Like?

OK, we're going to play a little game. I need you guys to comment and let me know who you think I look like the most, my mom or my dad. The picture of my Mom is when she was the exact same age as me!! The one of my Dad is when he was older than me, but I still think you can tell any resemblances I may have from him.
Let me know!!

This one is my Mom

This one is ME

This one is my Daddy


Here is another pic of my dad (and his sister) so you can see his nose and lips!


Rachel/Parker said...

I am confused about who is who in the pictures. Can you lable them like "pic one is Amber..."

I can't figure it out... It's been a long day...


Rachel/Parker said...

Ok - first of all. Are you sure that first picture is you, Amber?? Ha! I don't think it looks like you at all! Funny how we change...

Second - when Reese was first born, I thought she had your eyes...

Third - I think she looks exactly like Lance!

:) Parker's Mom (Rachel)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rachel...can't believe that is you as a baby.

I also think Reese looks more like Lance. However that will probably change as she gets older. Tali looked a lot like DJ as an infant and now looks a lot more like me.

BTW, she gets more adorable every day! Enjoy the rest of your time at home.


Anonymous said...

well Reese, I think you look like your Aunt Heather!

marlena said...

Omg Amber that pic is so funny of you. I love it! Reese I think you look like your daddy. You are so beautiful. I can't wait to see you next.

Anonymous said...

She looks like both of you!
Like Amber present day.
Like Lance as a baby.
She's growing so quickly!
Heather Lee