Mar 26, 2008

14lbs and 3 oz

Hi Everyone!

I went to the Doctor last Thursday and Friday. Thursday I saw my orthopedic specialist and my hip is all better! I don't have to wear the stupid brace anymore! For those of you who didn't know, my hip was dislocated when I was born so I had to wear this brace for 3 months, but I am done now! Then, on Friday, I went for my 4 month checkup. I weighed in at 14 lbs and 3 oz and 24.5 inches tall. I'm in the 75th percentile still! I also had to get 4, yes FOUR shots. They sure didn't feel very good, but I only cried for a few seconds. I sure am glad those are over.

Daycare is going really good these days. I really like Pam and Corryne. They take good care of me while my Mom is at work. I'm still drinking the bottle with no problems! Sure glad we got that figured out. The doctor told my Mom she could give me some rice cereal! So, I tried it, it wasn't too bad. The first time I made some pretty funny faces, but last night when I had some, I just kept eating it! I've decided the last couple of weeks that I want to get up in the middle of the night again and eat. For some reason I just wake up and I'm hungry! My mom isn't too thrilled with this new plan of mine, but she is dealing with it. Sorry Mom! I think she is trying to feed me more so I sleep all night again, we'll see if it works!

Oh.. I got a new toy to play with - it's my Exersaucer! It was a pain for my mom to put together, but I sure do love it. In just a week I have figured out who to play with the toys, turn myself around and all that fun stuff. It is SO fun. We still have my jumparoo in the garage too, I sure hope my Mom puts that together soon!

OH OH OH, I almost forgot to tell you! My mom and I were up in my room the other day and she laid me on my tummy on my blanket ( on the floor of course). While my Mom was hanging clothes up in my closet, I did the craziest thing, I flipped over onto my back! It sure scared the heck out of me, I let my Mom know what I did because I was crying. She turned around and was laughing because I had done this thing called "roll over". She didn't even get to see it! I haven't done it again for her yet, it scared me the first time. I suppose I will show her one of these days.

Not much else is new. I love to play with my Daddy all the time, he sure does know how to make me smile. I love to play with my toys and all around I couldn't be happier! I love you guys!!


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