May 12, 2008

Bath Time in the SINK

I know, can you believe it, 2 posts in 2 days?!

So my Mom gave me a bath in the sink tonight! It was the first time she has done this and I have to say it is WAY more fun than in that stupid baby sling thing. I had so much fun sitting up (all by myself may I add), playing with the running water and just splashing around. My favorite thing to do was to put my hand under the running water and trying to get it to run only on my thumb. My Mom was cracking up at me, and then of course that makes me laugh too! We had so much fun, I can tell you we are for sure going to do this every night no matter what! So my Mom is totally a new Mom b/c about a week ago her neighbor asked if I was sitting up much and my Mom was like, "I don't know, we haven't really tried all that much yet". Well that started it, my Mom has been sitting me up EVERYDAY and for a long time. I love it and I am SO good at it. Sometimes I flop over, but I don't care.

Ok, so I posted some of my bath pictures but you have to promise not to laugh at me. I normally don't post nude pics of myself.

I love you all!

P.S. Daddy, when you get home, I can't wait to show you the fun new bath time. Mom and I miss you so much.


Rachel/Parker said...

So cute! I love that little giggle that babies have at that age!

marlena said...

She is so freakin awesome, I can't wait to see Reese next!