Jun 10, 2008

Getting Better?

Hey Everyone! So, we're not sure, but we don't think I had pink eye. I got super sick after that, bad cough, high fever and the whole nine yards. I had to go back to the doc yesterday because I just wasn't feeling better, even on the antibiotics. The doc looked in my ears and I have an ear infection now on top of everything else! So, I got a stronger medicine and hope to be getting back to normal soon! It sure sucks being sick.

But, I did go to Costco yesterday with my Mom and it was fun! I got to sit in the cart like a big girl and look around at everything! It was a nice break from the house since we've been quarantined for days!

Not much else is new as of now, I will write soon!


Gavins Blog said...

Amber she is so cute!!!

MomJane said...

Reese is getting so big and so beautiful. Sorry she has been so sick. I hope she gets better soon. I love looking at all the pictures.

Gramma Bandy