Aug 14, 2008

Happy 3rd Anniversary

Hey Everyone!
So my Mom and Dad celebrated their 3rd Anniversary on Tuesday August 12th. My Grandma and Grandpa came over to hang out with me while my parents went to dinner. They said they had a great time! They each got iPhones for their gifts. I haven't been able to get my little hands on their new phones yet.... maybe soon!

So i've been crawling ALL over the place lately AND I can pull myself up onto my knees. I bet it won't be long until I figure out how to get up onto my feet!

Gosh, to be honest not much new has happened in the last couple of weeks. We've just been trying to keep cool, its been HOT here.

Here is an update on the chickens! They are doing REALLY good. They are now out in their coop and loving it. Its so fun to watch them run up and down their ladder, hang out on their perches and chase each other when we give them treats. Only a few more months and we'll be getting some eggs!!

I will talk to you guys soon!


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