Then on the Saturday after my birthday we had my family birthday party! It was fun too! My Nana, Papa, Aunt Jenny, Grandma, Grandpa, Great Aunt Jenny and Uncle Jack, Great Aunt Jane and Uncle Bill, my mom's friend Michelle and of course Mom and Dad were all at my party! We all talked and played and ate cake and ice cream! I just LOVE ice cream! This shouldn't surprise anyone considering how much I love milk. =) I got MORE presents at this party - I'm such a lucky girl!
I had my 2 year dr appt and I did NOT like it at all. I screamed when they put me on the scale, measured my height and my head. Even when the DR looked in my ears, eyes and mouth I was not a happy camper. And the shot - that was the LEAST fun. But i did get a sucker out of the deal, so I guess its ok. Here are my stats! I weigh 25lbs and I'm 35" tall. I'm tall and thin for my age. The doctor didn't seem to mind at all. He said he was happy to see a thin child! haha - so I'm all healthy and good!
I continue to talk lots and lots. I'm doing soo good with sentences and counting and shapes and letters too. I've started to say I want "TWO" blankets or "TWO" cookies. One just doesn't cut it anymore. I also talk about myself in the third person a lot. I say, "This is Reesie's Blanket". I also like to tell Mommy and Daddy what is theres and what is mine. "Mommy's Phone", "Daddy's Shoes" and things like that!
We put up our Christmas Tree this last weekend and it was fun! I loved helping Mommy with the ornaments and the lights. I keep telling her the tree is "Pretty". I can't wait for Christmas and for Santa to come! I don't even know what he is going to bring me since I got so much great stuff for my birthday already!!!
Thats all for now! Love you all!
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