Things are going really good in our house. My little brother is going to be 11 weeks old tomorrow! Time sure does fly. He is doing super duper great! He is sooo smiley and loves when you talk to him and make funny noises at him. He enjoys play time on his mat and loves the swing and bouncy chair. He is sleeping really good for mommy and daddy. He averages about 7 hours before he needs to eat again. So my Mom is feeling much more rested these days. Kesler had his 2 month appointment last Monday. He weighed 12#4oz and was 23 inches long. He's in the 50th percentile for his weight/height. I sure do love having a little brother. I talk to him and try to tickle him lots. I think he'll be a little more fun once he can actually play with me.
I'm doing great too! THe BIGGEST news is that I'm potty trained! I'm a big girl now and don't need those diapers anymore. I basically potty trained myself. From the first day where I wore only big girl undies - i've only had one accident! Even sleeping at night with big girl undies!! YAHOO. As a reward, my Mom and Dad decorated Kesler and I's bathroom with Monkey decor! Its super cute.
We've had a fun summer. Lots of swimming, lots of swinging at the park, hanging out with friends and family too. I've been to the beach a couple of times - i really enjoy playing in the sand and building sand castles!
Recently my mom has started working out so she brings Kesler and I to the gym daycare. Its a nice break for my Mom and I know she enjoys working out and getting back into shape.
We recently got a visit from my Great Aunt and Uncle Mel and David from Nebraska! Mel is my granpa's sister! It was fun to see her again. Aunt Heather and Cousin Kaitlyn also came - I love when Kaitlyn comes and we get to play. We both wore our matching Nebraska Cheer outfits!!
Thats all I know for now! Love you all!